

Biocleaning, disinfection and bioconsolidation. Interactions between (micro)biological systems and cultural heritage for the design of a sustainable disinfection, biocleaning and bioconsolidation.

6 hours tot.

3 modules purchasable individually

A summary of the course

3 modules in live streaming
Module 1: February 28th, 2023, 3-5 pm (CET)
Module 2: February 29th, 2023, 3-5 pm (CET)
Module 3: March 1st, 2023, 3-5 pm (CET)
English language
Attendance certificate


- In-depth analysis of the microverse and of the analytical techniques for its study and characterisation;
- Overview of possible interactions between microorganisms and cultural heritage: biodeterioration and biocleaning;
- In-depth study of bio-technology applications to cultural heritage;
- Development of critical skills useful to guide collaboration between researchers and professionals for biorestoration applications;
- Sharing perspectives related to the set up of experiments and research for the identification of possible sustainable intervention strategies.


The possible interactions between cultural heritage and (micro)biological systems are at the basis of multiple phenomena, associated not only with the degradation of materials but also with their conservation. Knowledge of these phenomena is therefore fundamental in the planning of restoration interventions. Through a scientific and synergistic approach, the ENEA researchers will explore the theme by offering a demonstration of the potential of the use of bacteria and bio-based products for a selective and modular "tailor-made" disinfection, cleaning and consolidation, respecting the uniqueness of each work of art.


Technical equipment
  • Computer or tablet
  • Broadband internet connection
  • Speaker or earphones
  • Microphone and webcam



Anna Rosa Sprocati

Anna Rosa Sprocati is a biologist, former ENEA research-executive, professor and inventor of a European patent (ENEA-EP-3046779-B1). Over 40 years at ENEA, she led teams working on microbial-biotechnologies applied to bioremediation/bioenergy/cultural-heritage. She held contract-professor positions at the University Sapienza, teaching “Environmental Microbiology applied to Cultural Heritage” (2004-2011) and “Environmental Requalification” (2017-2018). Anna Rosa served as independent-expert of the European Commission for the evaluation of PF7-KBBE-4 proposals and received the “ENEA Excellence” and “SMAU Smart Communities” awards. Currently, she is honorary fellow collaborating at Sapienza and Tuscia Universities and at cultural-heritage Institutions. She holds a biology-degree and attended biotechnology trainings at Paris-VII and M.I.T.



Flavia Tasso

She graduated in Biology at University “La Sapienza” (Rome) in 2000. From 2001 to 2003 she worked as a researcher in the pharmaceutical industry Merck-Serono where she was involved in the development of methods for the microbiological quality control of drugs. Since 2003 she has been working at ENEA (SSPT-PROTER-OEM) first as Research Fellow and then as Researcher. Her research focuses on microbial biotechnologies for environmental, industrial and cultural heritage applications, the characterisation of microbial pools and the isolation and conservation of microorganisms useful for bioremediation and biorestoration (ENEA-Mirri Microbial Collection). She is co-author of the European patent PCT/IT 2014/000246 and of scientific articles and book chapters on environmental microbiology, bioremediation and sustainable restoration.




Giada Migliore

She graduated in Biology at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome (2002). Since 2004 she is a research fellow at ENEA and the European Commission in projects related to the microbial ecology of lagoon environments and the exploitation of bacteria for energy and industrial purposes. Since 2009 she has been a researcher at ENEA SSPT-PROTER-OEM on taxonomy and microbial ecology in contaminated sites and cultural heritage. In the field of cultural heritage, she is working on the characterisation of deteriogenic biofilms and on the development of new non-toxic and selective bio-based products, plant extracts and microbial strains, for the removal of organic and inorganic deposits and microbial films.



Chiara Alisi

Chiara Alisi obtained a Master degree in Biological Science in 1987 (University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy) and  a PhD in Plant Biology in 1992 (University “Statale”, Milan, Italy). From 1994 to 1998 she was Oversea Expert at the Institute for Science and Technology (Chiang Mai University, Thailand). Since 2000 she has been a researcher at the ENEA-Casaccia Research Center and her current research projects are focused on microbial biotechnologies  applied to the bioremediation of polluted sites and  the biorestoration of cultural heritage. She has published >40 journal articles, 5 book chapters, 2 books as Editor and has filed 1 European patent (PCT/IT 2014/000246).


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